Evren Duncan

It is tremendous that keen valor necessitates solace. A serene atmosphere to evade the scars of menace.

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Andromeda · 9 answers · 2mo

How do you know a person is not simply bad but instead situations had made them to act or behave that way?

Well, it's still bad for me. Just because your life bad, you don't have to make everyone else feels bad too.

e — yi ! · 6 answers · 2mo

kan om elon lagi menyebalkan, apa kalian ada niatan pindah ke blueskyyy?? aku abis bikin akun bluesky tapi uname-nya bikin males :<

tunAa! 😼 · 13 answers · 4mo

teman teman disini ada nyang masih mempertahankan kkt, dimana orang orang sekarang pakai tele? akumasih mempertahankan katok katok sendirian diantara temen temenku

duta. · 26 answers · 4mo

saya iseng ganti theme retro dengan warna soft. what do you think? is it good?

𖹭 · 63 answers · 5mo

siapa di sini yang suka jadi tempat penampungan makanan? alias kalo lagi makan bareng terus ada yang ga abis makannya, kalian yang ngabisin

Kadang begitu, tapi kalo dipikir kayak agak gak enak juga kesannya kelaperan banget...

𝓛 𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠. · 5 answers · 4mo

If you could only eat one color of food for the rest of your life, which color would you choose and why?

tunAa! 😼 · 14 answers · 5mo

cuaca tuh lagi moodswing bgt napa ye? berangkat kuliah kepanasan, pulang keujanan

duta. · 18 answers · 5mo

favorite song lyric?

Dream of girls chorus, kurang lebih begini artinya,
When all the tеars dry, will my dream come true?
When all the wounds heal, will it be okay?
Like this song flowing with the wind
I too will someday be able to smile

𖹭 · 40 answers · 5mo

yeay sekarang kalo pake layout twitter di retro, headernya udah ga kepotong lagi <3

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