Chris CM. Martinez · 6 answers · 3y

"male Feminists" are pussies. They usually had rough childhoods, rejected by women and instead of accepting that some ppl don't connect and u keep trying They invert and become subservient to women while also harboring and intense anger.🙂

Male feminists are a joke and are so cringey. They're neutered, self-hating white knights. And some are frauds just trying to get sex.

So it is out of question that sb recognises the systematic male bias in society and feels this to be unjust?

Male feminists are fine, what you are describing is dudes who use feminism as a pretext to chase ass, which is a thing that exists, those dudes and incels are two sides of the same coin

nah they're just infected with the woke and/or they enjoy all the pussy that comes along with being a feminist

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