Dingus · 7 answers · 4y

How tall do you wish you could be? Sans painful surgery and other such endeavors...

I’m happy being 5 foot 6. I certainly don’t want to be any taller, and definitely not shorter. My mother is 6 feet tall. Other than making her easy to spot in shops, being a woman that tall has been a pain in the arse for her her whole life.

Honestly I'm more than happy with my height of 6'3-4ish. Any taller beds would be uncomfortable and I'd struggle more to find clothes, any less and I'd be undatable to people who care too much about height.

OK, I'm tiny in comparison, 162 cm isn't tall at all, but there are girls who are even shorter and drive huge trucks and all, so it isn't a huge obstacle, but if I just would get 2cm more I could avoid wearing really high heels to look my enemies directly into their eyes. LOL

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