Dingus · 8 answers · 4mo

What was a folklore or urban legend that used to scare you as a child?

A racist one … spread around by my fellow schoolmates.. supposedly a certain group of people stole babies, rocked them on cradles full of needles, and baked bread with the blood. wtf.

I used to get chills when it came to the supernatural. There wasn't a specific one, I was just unnerved by news, shows or stories depicting the supernatural. My brothers used to watch horror movies when I was in childhood so I watch them too, I didn't really like them but I learned to stomach it and am able to watch them just fine now. Interestingly even though horror isn't my favourite genre, I felt like writing short horror stories or scenes.

Good uncles who lured children with sweets inside their dungeons for sexual abuse and torture. And then in Belgium the blueprint for this myth actually happened. After that in Austria.

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