Merida · 8 answers · 3y

Is it better to be alone in life than being surrender by halfass people?

Sure but it's still better than being surrounded by asshats/assclowns/asswipes.

Idk, depends on how bad they are. I assumed by "halfass" you meant people who don't care that much, in which case it's better to be with them than alone. But in a reply you said it means assholes.. if they're bad enough, maybe being alone is better, but being alone is truly awful, so less-than-ideal company is better. Maybe not for some people. I guess some beasts are fine being alone. Also, even if it's worth it to be with assholes, it's probably worth it to be alone for a while now and then to regain your composure and perspective.

No, it is not good to be all alone. But when your company only consists of half or full asshole people, limit your contacts to a few nice people.

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