Merida · 7 answers · 3y

When you hide some information (I'm not talking about personal info like address, telephone number...), is it because you think there's sth wrong with it or you're embarrassed about it in some way?

No, I’m just an extremely private person. I don’t feel the need to tell people about myself.

Depending on what I'm hiding, sometimes it's because I think there's something wrong with me and sometimes it's because I think there's something wrong with society for judging it.

Sometimes I just "hide" it for no reason, but most of the time I feel it would be embarrassing

Mostly because I either do not want or think it to be appropriate to be judged by others in any ways for what is my privacy and absolutely not something that matters to them.

It's not even that really, it's just that it's nobody's business but mine and I'll share it if and when I please

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