Disc · 8 answers · 2y

One of your ocs Pokémon goes berserk for some reason, which one is most likely to have their a boss meter, theme, and how difficult would they be? Think Noble Pokémon mixed with Dark Souls Bosses!

This happened once. I had it drawn. Caporei's Kommo-o nearly killed his friend Grendam's Haxorus. Grendam put a stop to that behavior.

Hmm with Avian... probably in his repressed Team Flare days (long story), Tyrantrum. Gotta be that.

I mean...one already does, that's his whole shtick kansgsgsjjs
Tyranitar!! Thanatos the big ass Apex inheritably evil Tyranitar. His Mega form (which I need to draw again) already does look like a Dark Soul boss!

I mean Heather has a Guzzlord so probably that. Bigger bosses tend to be easier tho so I don't think it'd be hard sdfgfds

Alolan Marowak! Probably a necromancer themed boss, difficulty depends on how many Pokemon they've "fainted" during their lifetime, using them as spectral summons, with the 2nd phase being a straight up 1 v 1

Of Estella's Pokemon, even if Nike is the strongest, the one this would fit best would be Ares - her Golisopod.

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