Eleanor Damian. · 9 answers · 9mo

What kind of coffee do you most frequently order and why?

Latte? Idk, saya tipikal yang bakal pesen sesuatu yang udah biasa aku pesen karna itu enak. Dan mungkin karna rasanya gak terlalu strong? Kalau kamu biasanya apa?

I don’t drink coffee a lot.. but, if I do I’ll drink the basic milk coffee or caramel macchiato!

I don't really order coffee, but when I do, it is probably going to be cappucino or latte.

black coffe!!! pls kopi item tuh rasanya super duper otentik dan enak sekali!??

Caramel Frappuccino! I'm a sweet tooth, jadi kurang suka yang pait banget.. Also, I love caramel so much.

Latte! Not brave enough to try americano.. (has stomach problems) maybe next time :]

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