LaDamaX · 7 answers · 2y

What are the pros and cons of keeping the washing machine in the kitchen?

When you eat spaghetti over the sink you still spill all the sauce down your frock. If the washer is in the kitchen then you can pop that frock right off and throw it in that sucker. It saves you the hassle of trailing the sauce all the way through the rest of your home, and attracting ants.

In the UK we tend to have the washing machine in the kitchen. But our washing machines are smaller and front loading and can be ‘built in’ so you don’t see them. Also they tend to be silent now so you don’t hear them chugging round any more. I can’t think of any particularly good reasons to have one in the kitchen other than the plumbing is already there, and we don’t have space for o e anywhere else.

Hm ... it is due to convenience I think as the appliances share the same drain and water supply plus the electric power infrastructure. Aside from that the cleaning detergents make any foods stored in the kitchen smell or even taste like soap a bit. And the kitchen makes any freshly washed clothing smell like BBQ. I'd rather have cooking and washing separated.

It's in the kitchen: Pro. It's in the kitchen so there's a slight chance you might mistake it for a dishwasher: Con.

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