LaDamaX · 6 answers · 4y

I have a love/hate relationship with work trousers and dresses. They feel too fussy and synthetic at times.

U shouldn't wear trouser too often bad for the groinal area, gotta let the kitty breath ^_^

Same. I don't like wearing skirts either because it means I have to sit cross legged at all times.

I love to wear all cotton overalls, but last time I had to wear single use plastic overalls with total head cover ( radiation safety precaution ) and being inside a tea pot must be less hot and more dry than that.

I hate lab clothes, ecspecially laser protection glasses, which is why i never put them on, when the laser power isn't that high, although i should officially.

90% of things under "professionalism" are wack as fuck and that includes dress codes

I have a full hate relationship, I would hate ever having to go back to having to wear suits and ties and all, especially when it's 98 degrees out

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