Karicia · 19 answers · 9mo

happy weekend! tell me your plan for todaaay, pwease? 😁

Finishing my assignment was a part of my plan but reality I just sleep all day and watch some dramas.

Happy weekend indeed, Cicia. I don't really have much planned for today. I was supposed to meet up with my friends but I'm not so sure now. You?

I dont have any! I've been in a tiring trip and use this weekend for rest and stay at home. Plus im not in a good condition

happy weekend kakak cicia! How your day going kakak? well, i kinda cant do my plan today cause of some work huft...but its was nice, i hopes you too!

happy weekend! well, i am working as usual today, no weekend weekend for me huffft. i wish you to have a great weekend, cicia! jangan lupa mam enak. <3

akuuu hari ini sekOLAh seperti biasanya, setelah itu lanjut mendekor karena malamnya ada opening event gituu, then aku dan tEMan temaN mau makan makan bareeeng

happy weekend Cicia!!!!! i have no plans for today, all i want to do just resting on my bed and watching gose. neeways, have a great weekend Cicia!

tadi abis beli ikan baaanyakk soalnya besok mau ada arisannya mama di rumah hmchh

That's cute. I only plan to stay at home and spend my day with my beloved ones. Perhaps some me time as well, how about you?

happy weekend! i’m preparing things for an important presentation coming up in 3 days. oh wish me luck because i’m SO nervous i’m biting my lip.

happy Weekend too Ciciaaa! I don't have any plans this weekend, huhu sowwyy. 😢

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