Ludin · 10 answers · 2y

Which character do you think your OC would make a good cosplay of?

Arryn could absolutely rock a Bayonetta cosplay, though she'd need very tall heels to make up for the fact that she isn't 6'10. The fact I picked Hellena Taylor aka Bayo's VA for Arryn's voice claim does help.

Avian, slap a wig on him and he could make a convincing Cloud, however Ren Amamiya the MC of Persona 5 and all his outfits would be the best cosplay. Yes even the prison warden crossdressing, Avian is very slender.

Jasmine: I wanna say musashi from Fate GO but mainly because i really used her as a inspo

Grim would make one hell of an amazing "Immortal Dragon Tatsu" from way of the househusband

Hmmm, I actually think it would be cute drawing my Genshin girl Saki as Sailor Mercury~!!

If Tyler cut his hair and grew a small beard, he can pull off a pretty good Hawks impression from MHA. They even have the same kind of laid back personality, so it'll work well for him

Honestly, given Elio's body type, at best (and this is me being generous here), Alexandros from The God of Highschool. He would be a mirror image because of how simplistic that character's outfit is. ...Well, minus the tattoos, of course. Tatts are a big turn-off for Elio, ironically.

I would say Alexandros' son, Jose Natasha Violeta, or Yu Narukami from Persona 4, but that's just a cop-out, given Elio uses both of them as a character foundation.

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