Nick · 10 answers · 2y

Your OC enters a haunted house. How do they react?

Briar likes strong emotions and adrenaline so she would very much enjoy a haunted house. Also, she would try to scare anyone she finds exploring the house too—yes, she's supposed to be the guest but finds amusing being an annoyance to others 😩❤️

Nics fight or flight would kick in amd accidentally slug some poor guy in the face and get herself banned

Honey would enjoy getting scared a little bit! They think its fun!

Natalee would let out her Ghost pokemon to spook the poor scare actors because an asshole

Avian: Dares the ghosts to off him in the most deadpan way and then calls them cowards for not following through.

Stahl: Turns around and walks away out of boredom for 'childish antics'. Outside of pokemon he doesn't believe in ghosts.

Arryn: Is ready to throw down These Hands with the ghosts.

Jasmine: Constant screeching and crying

Andres: he is quite difficult to actually scare put if something really takes him by surprise he would faint while standing

Odd: "If there are any spirits in here, don't mind me, just came to observe. Though if you're angry I'm here, I wouldn't suggest jumping right for possession, the tenant in my brain might not take too kindly to that."

Fausto would look so calm and relaxed, he must be so brave! (Hint: He is not)

Balei is terrified but she has a great time going to one with friends at least!

Kingston: Doesn't react, any house he walks into is haunted, he's used to it :)
Ruth: Doesn't believe in ghosts
Mira: Hopes a ghost will appear
Sadie: already throwing salt

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