Navelyn M. · 8 answers · 7mo

anyone help me. i'm very, very tired of this feeling of numbness and emptiness. i want life to feel enthusiastic again. Suggest me activities that will make me more alive i'm begging.

Do you need someone to talk? Maybe I can make you happier than now. Or you can do something fresh like traveling or hiking.

pursue a new hobby or take up a course that interests you, learning can be invigorating

Nave, I'm sorry to hear that but you can try to finish a series with lots of seasons, or start reading a new book. ORRR you can make some food with simple recipes and small portions. Hope you'll be okay soon. 🤍

kak nave, im sorry cuz you have to feel this way :( but, try to do activities that make you feel happy kayak hangout sama temen, atau me time, pergi ke pantai, jalan jalan kemanapun itu. you just need time for yourself kakak, hope you're okaaay, ka naveyyy

Navelyn, i'm sorry that you have to feel this way. maybe you can try to scroll tiktok, look at your bias edits or watch movies that you have always liked? or if you want, you can contact me, my DM will always be open for you. i hope it gets better soon, ya?

I think go hang out with your friends or taking some lessons like— learn about something new that you've never had done before (sewing, swimming, playing guitar) something like that?

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