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Anonymous Coward · 6mo


Yuro. · 8mo

I miss u Moyaaaa, bahagia selalu ya

I miss you too, Roo. The same thing goes to you as well, thank you for being a good person!

Hans · 9mo

Katanya suka makan cicak ya

IVY · 9mo

Anything remind you of me?

When I look the moon, it remind me of you. Those white, clear, gentle and cold lights radiates you well. 😻

Sydney! · 5 answers · 9mo

What is one thing you would like to become better at?

Leo · 9mo

Tell me your interests or something that caught your interest these days!

I think I want to start journaling and would definitely love to create one for others to enjoy.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Is there mutual who attract your attention (as crush) and you intend to get closer to him?

Kalau kamu nanya sampai crush gitu belum sih.. but I found a person that attractive in my eyes tapi aku maluu. 🫠

Rezel Athala. · 10 answers · 9mo

Selamat sore.. fun fact hari ini seputar koala! Tau gak sih, ternyata, koala nggak minum air secara langsung. Mereka memperoleh kelembaban dari dedaunan eukaliptus yang mereka makan. Ya... gimana mau minum air secara langsung, mereka aja kerjaannya cuman nemplok di pohon terus tidur 🐨💤

AHAHA sangat informatif ya ceritamu, Nar. Aku juga suka tidur.. apa aku termasuk temenannya Koala? 🤔

Rakesha Astara · 10 answers · 9mo

How do you guys deal with boredom?

I usually make Pinterest boards about my dream life/clothes/house, watching some movies, sleep or go out to the mall or cafe.

Angeline Hart. · 9mo

I see your vibes are beautiful, just like a stargirl always carrying her electric guitar wherever she goes. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your favorite music genre, Moya?

Hey Angel, thank you for your compliments.. I'm flattering 🥺 and for your question, I listen to all genres but my favourites are R&B, Pop & Hip hop. How's you? Mind to tell me?

Navelyn M. · 8 answers · 9mo

anyone help me. i'm very, very tired of this feeling of numbness and emptiness. i want life to feel enthusiastic again. Suggest me activities that will make me more alive i'm begging.

Nave, I'm sorry to hear that but you can try to finish a series with lots of seasons, or start reading a new book. ORRR you can make some food with simple recipes and small portions. Hope you'll be okay soon. 🤍

⩇⩇:⩇⩇ · 8 answers · 9mo

Mention five things you can’t tolerate in your relationship.

  1. Cheating
  2. Manipulating
  3. Fakers
  4. Abusive
  5. Narrow-minded I rather to stay alone than I should date that kind of person, duh.
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