NaruAnswers · 11 answers · 2y

What type of accents do your OCs have?

Dory has the Spikemuth while Labi has an accent more common in the major cities of Galar. Visi has a bit of Spanish when he talks (a few words make it more obvious). Charlie surprisingly doesn’t have an accent from Galar, probably closer to Unovan. Ilex and Holland have hints of Kalosian, Pepper has a Unovan accent.

Ruth: Has a slight French Accent she picked up from Lusamine

Kingston: No discernable accent when speaking English. But when speaking Japanese he has a kansai accent which he tries to hide (it comes out when he's emotional and/or drunk.)

Yorra's got a very soft French accent along with most of the Jaggers barring Will.

Xavion can hide his Russian lilt and so can Emille but Eva's comes out in full force after her corruption and Rudri doesn't bother to hide his.

Suzuen and everyone else have this spanish lilt to theirs with Dorado's being the heaviest and most overt.

So far, the only confirmed accents for my OCs is Ceba with a NZ one and Amrita with a Southern one.

Mary’s accent is usually a more posh British but when she’s mad it can swing a bit more cockney from spending time around her uncle. Her accents aren’t really there when she speaks Japanese tho.
Jin doesn’t really have a noticeable accent, though due to her knowing a few languages pronunciations sometimes get mixed up in her head.
And Celeste is from Unova so she has a slight New York accent.

Czeraja is a hodge podge of different Accents all across Eastern Europe. So, if not a Czech accent, you'll find Irish, Russian, Polish, German, Galarian, just to name a few.

Odd doesn't have any innately, but his father could slip into one of his birth region's (It being off the west coast of Galar, Irish for a real-world equivalent) occasionally, and as a result Odd learned to do a decent impression

I'm...not sure any of mine do haha.

They're all from or live in Carst which is inspired by Canada. They'd have an Ontarian accent, whatever that sounds like to other people.

Grim has a slight British accent, but he's good at concealing it since he speaks a plethora of languages. Blake has your usual British accent worthy of any Galarian. Hiroto doesn't have one and Jacques has that sweet sweet french accent since he's from Kalos

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