šœ—ļ¹Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā renĆ©.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā€  Ā· 15 answers Ā· 5mo

For those of you who are into pastebins, what's your favourite URLs you have? Mine are /crow and /thief on Rentry and /goro and /shuake on Bundlrs.

mine is forever /phonecall even if i badly need to update it. and alsoo /msyaoi (which hasn't been touched yet bc im working on others)

wait there's a fandom for pastebins?

I just use a random instance of hastebin or cryptpad, where I don't get to pick the URL, whenever I need to share a log with tech support

This feels like Iā€™m divorcing sntry but my favorite favorite urls I got on bundlrs are /riamu , /n_n , /idolmaster, /tohru (both gifted to me by eden!!), /adachi (gifted by you, thank you so much!), nn /fairykei (gifted aswell!)

i have my new fav url i dont care about sntry anymore though IM SO HAPPY THAY I HAVE /partybeetle ON BUNDLRS

I have /eli /naib AND /victor on rentryā€¦ all my dreams have come trueā€¦.

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