Sebastian · 13 answers · 1mo

What's something you've always wanted to try but haven't had the chance to yet?

bikin game sendiri? simply dari software yang udah ada. maybe I'll try it soon, who knows.

Hidup santai. Kalau kata Jo, aku hidupnya tuh ngapain aja selalu kayak dikejar sesuatu dan serba terburu-buru.

In my plans, I've envisioned raising a sugar glider, adding a new feline friend to my family, and celebrating a birthday picnic. Regrettably, these dreams remain unfulfilled due to a lack of opportunities. Thus, they persist on my wishlist, awaiting the right moment to be realized.

Skydive! I bet the view up there will be amazing, yet my phobia will never allow me to experience such a thrill.

Stop jadi people pleaser, HUFT. Kapan ya aku berhenti jadi people pleaser {merenung}

kursus menjahit? pengen banget sih dari dulu, tapi masih belum kesampean karena bingung disini gak ada yg ngadain kursusnya

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