RhymewithRay · 11 answers · 2y

Any art/creative new years resolutions? :D

I want to start going back on abandoned WIPS!
And talk more about my actual OCs, not fan ones (doesn't mean I'll stop paying attention to them!)

To keep drawing despite me going back to school. I want to keep improving but without neglecting my studies and at the same time I want to focus on said studies but without neglecting something that brings me so much joy like drawing does

I want to get a "demo build" out for my VN by March latest, which means the first Episode needs to have its script completed before PLA comes out lmao.

I also want to learn basic anatomy for drawing haha, I'm still baby in that area

1.)Get back into writing and making Comics even if they are small and silly.
2.) Actually share my stories with people. :)


That and try to see some ideas for some OCs realized, I've had some characters sitting on the back burner for far too long

I’d love to get better at anatomy, and coloring in particular. Most of all I want to transition to CSP this year. I’m just too scared to basically start over with a new program.

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