Shannon. · 6 answers · 10d

Do you think the st Georges flag is toxic?

I don't think there is anything toxic about a nations flag - all countries have good and bad. But I think 'shame' for flags is something to be reserved for less grandiose things like a movement.

That's just the English flag right, red cross on white background? I didn't know there was anything with the flag itself, beyond the symbolism of centuries of imperial loot and plunder, is that what you mean?

I don't think it's toxic in and of itself, but like Kate said, it's been adopted by the far-right groups in some places so it could be toxic. The same thing happened with the cartoon Pepe the Frog, which a lot of the groups have used as a symbol (why? idk exactly).

It used to be St. Georges flag but now changed sides and turned into a symbol of right wing idiots in some places?

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