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Saori Kido · 28 answers · 5y

How would you feel if your partner wanted a polyamorous relationship?

Saori Kido · 20 answers · 5y

Would you sacrifice your brother or sister to save a bunch of random people you don't know?

I mean, probably not unless I hated them, but since I don't have any siblings I wouldn't know lol

Aderyn Ursa · 36 answers · 7y

What does your perfect date look like?

Um, well, I don't have a perfect date in mind, but I'd like for it to be something were we get to move around a lot so maybe something like roller skating or swimming in nice lake. :3

Aderyn Ursa · 64 answers · 7y

Would you kiss Saori for 100k? (I wouldn't XD)

Shiryu Dragon · 14 answers · 6y

What do you think of me? ;) (near end)

Well, you sure caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people, but you're pretty awesome most days anyway. Most days.

Shun Andromeda · 42 answers · 6y

Would you date me? (If you were single and into guys~) ^^

Saori Kido · 37 answers · 6y

How do you normally get punished (or if you're an adult, how were you?) ie being grounding, having stuff taken away, being spanked, etc

Seiya Pegasus · 40 answers · 6y

Hey everyone, Hyoga wanted me to so I dyed my hair light pink! What do you think? :D

Saori Kido · 52 answers · 6y

If you had to marry Shun, Seiya or Adrian who would you marry? (Anyone who says seiya is dead)

Pretty sure we'd end up in a divorce no matter which one I picked, but I think me and Adrian would last the longest

Seiya Pegasus · 42 answers · 6y

Would you date me if you were single and into guys? :D

No thanks, we're kind of too similar and too different at the same time.. somehow..

Shiryu Dragon · 41 answers · 6y

Would you date me if you were single and into guys? ;D

I think I'll have to pass, you're pretty weird in away I can't say if it's good or bad

Saori Kido · 41 answers · 6y

If you could kill anyone and get away with it, who would you kill? And it can't be me~

Seiya Pegasus · 17 answers · 6y

What do you think of me? :D (near end)

Well, you're a pretty cool dude.. when you aren't making dumb jokes thinking they're funny... >_<

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