V. · 7 answers · 1y

tell me about your favorite food, song, drinks etc! go!

i love chicken and noodle (terpisah atau jadi satu), i love coffee (tapi gak suka kopi hitam 👎🏻), and i love lagu galau. 🎻

Gangan asam patin, masak habang haruan, Tiwadak besanga, Jus alpukat, Alpukat kerok.

Kalau makanan, i like any kind of noodles. Kalau minuman, baru” suka haus yang crunchy choco sama suka hazelnut milk tea chatime (belum tergantikan sampai sekarang). Jarang dengerin lagu, tapi lagi suka indonesian old songs such as heavy rotation, fortune cookies, cjr all album, blink all album, cherry belle, geisha, viera, and many more. It’s remind me of my teenagers songs.

Food, vegetables with peanut sauce (pecel). Drinks, ice tea (es teh). Song, song mingi.

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