
happiness is created

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macy · 6mo

gimana pendapat km tentang penebangan liar (bobot 25)

love, lily. · 6mo

hello! kamu happy ngga hari ini :3

Naoi. · 13 answers · 11mo

hi aku lagi bosen sama pure paw-paw, saranin aku lip balm andalan kalian yang ok banget itu dong! >_★

verena calluella · 5 answers · 7mo

what’s your top all-time saddest song? lmk please! :c

Sobirin · 7mo

love you. love you! love you? love you, love you- love you" love you; love you♡ love you_ love you¡ love you¿

Sean · 1y

Mau ngasi kerjaan, thoughts on me dong

a friend whom we can rely on and will make sure we eat well (perhaps u’ll cook for us 😋). would lend us ur ears to listen to our stories or rants and would give us like an ego-booster HAHA know when and how to exactly give white lies or bitter truth. mantap 👍🏻

Sobirin · 1y

Mau tanya, kalo ubi digoreng jadi bola ubi, kalo bekel digoreng apa dia tetep jadi bola bekel? Btw semangaaat revisiannya Salvie

FAK LUCUUU aku beri 1000. soalnya kalo jadi bola pingpong itu bakso bulat. makasih ya sobirinku

Nadine · 1y

when do you feel the happiest?

yui · 2 answers · 1y

thoughts on me? thoughts on yui please!! :3

[insert all of adorable things in here] bc u make me wanna keep u inside my pocket >:( 🤍 u bring warmth to ur surroundings and i feel so comfortable around u. i hope u’ll always get happiness and love as u deserve, love! xx

Sadha · 1y

Thoughts on Sadha?

the first time i checked on ur profile when we exchanged our ca, i saw u retweeting a lot of funny posts and i assume we share the same sense of humor. also u seem so cool and friendly! it feels nice to have u around 👊🏻

Sobirin · 1y

Kenapa namanya vanilla tobacco kak

gapapa ini judul lagunya eloise terus aku suka lagunya.. enak banget. coba dengerin 🥰

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