Luis · 6 answers · 3y

As a follow up; Do you feel better represented when an existing character is made to look more like you or do you feel cheated that a new/original character couldn't be created instead?

Oh, yeah I covered this previously - I would prefer original content but the average studio is much too risk-averse and stuck in their ways (by the way, studios almost always make money, even with 'flops' - they use various production company shell games and creative accounting and announce they lost money to rip off people with contracts who were depending on a share of profits, it's really gross but worth looking into if you're interested)

I don't really have a strong opinion on that, besides not wanting to see Asian women portrayed as submissive and fawning over the white guy in movies (WTF was Christian Bale even doing in Flowers of War?!)

I have similarities to many characters but none of them are exactly me, white or not so I’ve never felt represented

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