Wasserpistole · 8 answers · 4y

What are your thought when you think about dinosaurs?

I don't even think about dinosaurs, I just think about how the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event allowed for the rapid diversification of small mammals who were most likely hibernating during the asteroid event and its fallout which is what allowed them to survive ❤️

Top three thoughts about dinosaurs:

  1. "Which ones were big booty judys that could literally crush me?"

  2. "wow, she's basically me, the ultra religious deny she exists and the film interpretations are wrong."

  3. "Wish I was extinct"

How vulnerable life can be, how the planet could shake us off like a bad case of dandruff

It would be really neat to be able to see them living. They'd have to be in a special environment though because there was a lot more oxygen in the atmosphere when they were around. Nature was very different back then, and it'd be interesting to experience that too. Again because of the oxygen levels, insects were absolutely gigantic!

Would've made for a badass pet if they were relatively smaller and less wild but thanks to life we had to settle for dogs being the main attraction; amonsgt all the other current animals one can have as a pet too and ofc dinos being what they were and to date, extinct

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