Wasserpistole · 6 answers · 3y

I like music but I don't love it. How about you?

Has a lot do with the mood that I’m in. Sometimes it’s great, or just ok, or annoying af.

I LOVE some music. Like my all-time favorite songs, and maybe a couple of entire genres like goa psy-trance or nitzho-goa. Just your average song, though.. well, your average song I don't like at all. I'm very picky. As for what I don't hate, probably most of it I just like.

Hm, I don't look at music as part of a love/hate dynamic, that's too generic for me, like how nobody would say they love or hate 'weather' - specific types will appeal to me more than others, and my feelings about it might be different in a couple of hours

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