Wasserpistole · 11 answers · 6y

How many brothers do you have, if any, and are you in a healthy relationship with them? I have two and right now it is okay, nothing to worry about. How about you over there?

I have two brothers. We all fought like cat and dog when we were growing up but now we're adults and living separately, its much more amicable and healthy.

1 brother and he's douchey but lately he's been alright he has his ups and downs though

two half brothers, one of them is extremely attached to me whereas the other is a little younger and sees me mostly as a potential source of presents

the other day the younger one called me asking if I could buy him an iPad for his birthday next year

Ive got a brother who is 9 years older than me and our relationship is okay as well

One. Yes.

He told me that I would've been his first choice to be best man at his wedding in a couple of years, but he understands that I wouldn't be able to cope with such a big role. Instead, I'm going to be a groomsman and I won't be expected to do anything that will cause me a lot of anxiety, like haing to usher people to their seats.

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