Daniel · 9 answers · 4y

Do you think that your humour is a reflection of your true values?

Sometimes the exact opposite, which means, at closer inspection, that you might be right.

I don't see how the two are related? My humor is usually in the context of a joke which isn't meant to be taken seriously.

Eh, more or less. I wouldn't say every value-charged joke is necessarily an accurate reflection (but maybe it is, idk), and the dispositions are usually exaggerated in jokes.

Yes, and that should be the case for everyone - the best comedy is rooted in truth...you exaggerate and overstate your truth to make your point and that's fine... but if you just say shit not because you believe in it, but only because you think it's edgy or funny or whatever, that's when you end up screaming the n-word fifty times at a comedy club

it often is. let's just say you won't ever catch me making anti-Semitic jokes. or rape jokes, for example. you know why? because those jokes are based in very real experiences that people have to suffer through, and I think making light of that is morally questionable, if not straight up wrong. somebody else's trauma should not be your sense of humor. I also believe in the 1st amendment right to free speech though, so you can make your shitty jokes if you want. just don't be surprised when you catch heat for it

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