Daniel · 8 answers · 4y

What was the most important decision in your life?

committing to being more assertive and less apologetic. I don't laugh anymore when men tell their shitty jokes just to coddle them. I don't say "sorry" if you bump into me (though I used to), or "sorry" when I'm trying to make my way thru a crowd ("excuse me" is fine). I body slam men when they make unwelcome advances towards my friends who happen to be Hot women. stuff like that

hmmmm... I guess it was should I move to Switzerland with my parents or be raised by my brother in England.

Most things were not decisions. Most situations leave no choice for me. Many people told me I had a choice, but in the light of truth there was none. Only if you say choosing to nail your finger to a desk than eating a Nutella bun is a choice. In a sense it is, but would you nail a finger to a desk only to prove you have a free will? I guess not, you do not look like one of those idiots. Nevertheless my most important decision might have been to join my professor after leaving college and starting a new institute.

Either (1) the time I chose to change my name from Nicky to my official name, Richard, (2) the time I chose to take a year off after high school before going to college (I never really got into college full-swing after that or got a degree), or (3) the time I chose to move out of the ALF and into a rented room.

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