Daniel · 7 answers · 9mo

Do you think it can be ok when a 47 year old man has sex with an 18 year old woman?

"Ok" is a strong word for me personally, but sure. It's legal and both parties can consent to it, but I feel there's a little more than that to unpack.

It still smells predatory to me, but whatever, if that's the age society agreed upon for young girls to be thrown to the wolves, then alright - as I've said, any age is going to be arbitrary and something less than 100% of cases will have a fair outcome of age is the only boundary set... But whatever I give up I don't want to think about it anymore

If I was her mother and some 47 year-old bloke was sniffing around I’d be getting arrested.

... is it legal age? If it's legal then whatever even tho it sounds a bit off...

Isn't that the usually desired age gap every male is after since we left the Paradise?

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