Louisa Noelle.
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Jean · 11mo

Hi, ini jean yg dibase ssefnum yg nyari temen retro tadi. Boleh mutualan ga?

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

dear Jepa, if they make you feel that you're hard to love, prove them wrong. love yourself at ease and effortlessly. okay?

hIKSSSSS THANK U SO MUCH SENDER T____T semoga hal-hal baik selalu menyertai dirimu yah!!! <3

Luniar, Selene. · 23 answers · 1y

tell me the most unrealistic scene you often see in movies (or sinetron) that irritates the hell out of you.

sebenernya gak bikin aku jengkel sih, tapi pas scene di AIB season 2 pas heiya udah ketembak berkali kali dibadannya tapi tetep bisa ngerangkak ke tempat aguni yang jaraknya bener-bener JAUH, itu kalau dipikir-pikir EGK MASUK AKAL???? tpi okelah yang penting endingnya hepi yayyyy ^___^

G. · 1y

Setelah melihat loct kamu, jadi ingin bertanya. Siapakah pacar gepengmu?

ADA BANYAAAAK! top 5 pacarku adalah suna rintarou, hirotaka nifuji, sebastian michaelis, takashi mitsuya, fushiguro megumi 😋 kalau aku sebutin lebih banyak lagi ntar gak akan selesai sampai tahun depan 🚶

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Halo, Jepa. Mau nanya nih, kalau misalnya tiba-tiba di dm orang yang bukan mutual untuk ngajak temenan, bakal aneh gak ya?

halooo sender! sama sekali gak aneh kokk, i'm so happy if someone wants to be my friend!!! ;D

narissa · 10 answers · 1y

if you have to choose one of these, what's yours? love or be loved? and why you chose that?

be loved! no specific reason sihh i just like to be loved by someone so i can love them too!

V. · 27 answers · 1y

May i know what's your favorite songs?

Ayana. · 1y

JEPAAA, since your location is in isekai, I think that you are a wibu, isn't it? 🤔

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