Hermes · 8 answers · 2y

How do all of you handle ships with your OCs? Multiship with each one in its own bubble? Everything varying degrees of canon, joke or otherwise? One endgame ship that nothing can compromise or compare to?

So, for me it's a mix. On one hand I have a ship is set in stone, Jin and Mary are in love and nothing's ever gonna change that. On the other hand, I have OCs like Celeste that I have no problem multishipping to have fun with my friends.

Uhh so far I haven't really had any haha

I'm open to them as their own thing separate from "canon" but if one ever really clicks and works out then I wouldn't mind canonizing it

I've talked about OC romance brainrot with friends, but never really tried to make an OC ship canon.
I don't really have experience writing romance (even though ship brainrot does hit me HARD), so I write my characters not considering that.
Also my story isn't anywhere near worked out, so I worry trying to make an OC ship that's canon to other people's stories would kinda drag them down.

Honestly, I really don't have "canon" ships with Elio and his siblings. So it's all the same to me.

Also, I'm aromantic, so any OC ships that I have with Elio is usually boiled down to being generally platonic since he's kind of an extension of myself. Even then the limit for shipping him with any other OC - either my own or someone else's, is being "Best Friends with Benefits" because, honestly-speaking, as much of a supportive friends if not the chad wingman that he usually is, Elio FUCKS.

Most of my oc ships aren't explicitly canon but I'm sure the could be if we really wanted to expand on it. It's just that when I talk about oc ships with my friends its mostly just for fun so I'm not too stressed about making things make 100% sense in the oc's story as long as they're in-character.

Other than that; Marcie/Kingston, Ruth/Lindow, Luther/Mirajane are the canon endgame ships

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