Hermes · 10 answers · 1y

Thanks to twitter removing the moments feature, whats the best way to get all the info on all y'alls OCs?

Honestly just asking me lol I post stuff on Twitter from time to time but if there are specific things you want to know/are curious about, asking me (in dms or discord) is the best option HAHA

I mean I guess I'm also writing the Briarfic but that won't be ready for a while so for now, the safest way is just asking me HAHA

Workin on a Google doc as we speak! Can't promise it'll show up anytime soon unfortunately ahah

Probably Toyhouse whenever I get around to updating. But also asking me is a great way to get info!

honestly just ask me haha. My main acc is a mix of fandom stuff, OC stuff, and VN promotion so it can be hard to track - and I already have itch, steam, and patreon to manage for the VN so I don't have the time to make a site for my OC stuff.

Asking me or looking through here. Which honestly isnt that good a method. I'll probably try to set a doc or another method

I'm reuploading all my animations as part of a pinned thread, as for OC stuff I'll have to make a separate thing of some kind.

I've knocked around the idea of going balls to the wall and trying to make a portfolio style website to navigate through it all in an organized way, with its own visual identity. And maybe use it host stuff from friend's OC regions cause I wanna see all that too.

I guess I'll make a master twt thread for my ocs or a carrd where all the stuff can be found bc... the alternative is... having to move back to deviant art... shivers

Sometimes I'd dump some info on Twitter TL, but the best way to get to know my Ocs is through here or DMs, I'm happy to talk OCs with my friends

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