Alice 💋 · 13 answers · 4y

What was the last thing to make you cry?

An Anime! It was called "The Grave of the Fireflies". I know you hate Anime but this one is a must-watch tbh.
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My toe collided with a towel rack. This hurt so fucking much I had tears in my eyes.

When the sale fell through on somewhere I was going to buy. Its was an exhaustingly delayed process and at the end of it I just was so frustrated and heartbroken a few tears came out :/

Some customer having a go because he didn't read the labels correctly. Truth be told, I was already having a terrible because of grandfather being in hospital and he died the next day (my grandfather, not the customer).

The how i met your mother episode in which robin gets to know that she cant get children made me shed a tear because it reminded me of someone in my family who would have liked to get children but cant because she got a bad case of endometriosis

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