Arman · 7 answers · 2y

The James Webb Space Telescope is expected to cost NASA around 10-11 billion US dollars. Some might say that the money should be spent on humanity's more immediate needs instead. What do you think? Do you think space exploration is a waste of money?

I think stopping the funding of killing brown ppl overseas is an immediate need but here we are

not a waste of money, there is a value to exploring and learning about the universe...that said, there are people living in the streets and can't afford doctors and shit, this guy gets it:

Bbbbbbbbbbut… Who else is going to come along and exploit the universe’s untapped natural resources if not US? 🥹

It's not a waste of money. I think fundamental research in physics is the highest form of culture.
There are other things, where you could say that billions are wasted

Space exploration is important but this budget is ridiculous and having low cost equipment can be brought from China and India.

I think it's kind of negligent/evil that people would rather do something like space exploration just for their amusement/curiosity satisfaction than things like feed the homeless.

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