Arman · 7 answers · 2y

[Inspired by] Is catcalling a form of free speech?

Yea... in the sense that you can do it and the government won't prosecute you for it. Law enforcement certainly is not obligated to do anything about it

Hard NO! It’s like when when one kid is bothering another and the one doing the bothering says “I was just playing”. I typically respond with—“ Well if you’re just playing, that means BOTH of you are having fun. If it’s just YOU having the fun.,, it’s NOT playing, is it? 😠

Sure. When we suffer from the speeches of some dumbass politicians worldwide causing nausea, heart attacks, brain damage we must take catcalling easy. The folks with the catcalling usually are part of the crowd that listens to the fucked speeches anyway, so any hope for a change is futile. A dumbass is a lost soul often.

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