Arman · 9 answers · 1y

[] What do the positions of your birthmarks say about you?!

I can't be sure, because having a body is disgusting, so I had my entire body removed and replaced with a single birthmark that's suspended in mid-air and buzzes like a bee.

Pff I have a lot of birthmarks (next ti my belly button, left cheek, thigh...) but I don't think I can relate about all those things mentioned in the video tbh

I feel like most of those examples were moles more than birthmarks? Unless a mole is considered a birthmark? Anyway I guess the closest thing I have would be in the stomach's pretty faint, though and it says 'pie goes here'

I don't have any birthmarks that I know of. Well, I did have one freckle on one leg that was kinda too big to be a freckle, but I don't remember where it was or know if I still have it.

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