Arman · 9 answers · 8mo

Have you ever had a cold sore? How do you feel about someone who has one?"

Nah, not that I can recall. Feel like it's a bummer for em, and I hope them there antibodies prevent it from happening to them repeatedly.

I've never had a cold sore. Last I checked I'm negative for HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibodies so I haven't had enough exposure to either herpes virus to have a detectable response to them. But most of the world does to at least one. I probably wouldn't go around French kissing ppl with cold sores but also it would be understandable if they did have cold sores. It's hard not to have herpes based on how prevalent the viruses are tbh

Maybe. I think once. I don’t really feel anyway about it. Stress can leave you prone to them. If it was a friend who had one, I’d check in with them.

Now and then when my immune system is under attack I get it around my upper lip. It usually is a matter of some days and not severe. It can be painful and it can become a more serious issue. That virus will remain however and when I have it I keep my distance to others in order to not infect them.

I've never had a cold sore. I wouldn't kiss or drink after someone with a cold sore because I wouldn't want herpes.

A lot of times. I got them very often since they show up when I'm really stressed.

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