duta. · 14 answers · 16d

If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with your time?

Paling aku scroll tiktok atau nonton youtube, sama yang udah pasti scrol X, cari yang online atau jbjb autobase.

Belajar…? Belajar apapun yang belum pernah aku coba. Main, terus… melakukan aktivitas yang gak bisa dilakuin di siang hari.

watch some movies or read some books! kebetulan aku lagi baca buku, judulnya lolita. belum sempet lanjutin lagi sih..

it's either watching the movies, strolling around the city or getting some icecream at 3 am. i don't if im allowed to ask you back here but what about you, duta?

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