Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Bian · 8 answers · 1y

I keep on thinking people's opinion about me, so what do you guys think about me?

Since we haven't interacted much, it's challenging to form a detailed opinion ☺ However, I find your presence intriguing, and there's a charming mystery about you! 🤎

waah agak susah ini, kita jarang interaksi U____U but i think you're misterious!

kamu keliatan misterius. :o KAYAAAAK cool banget gitu.. (dingin) also, kita belum banyak interaksi jadi aku belum tau banyak-banyak. t____t let's interact more, Bian!!

Kamu kelihatan misterius! Also kita belum sering interaksi, jadi aku susah kasih jawabannya

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