Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Chayyi. · 10 answers · 2y

Confess about anything! (part 2)

I'm just tired of how the universe always treat me like I'm just a tiny stone ready to be stepped on everytime people passes by. It's either comedic or fucking saddening, I'm so fed up. Why can't I get happy for once? Whenever I am about to be happy, the universe always finds a way to take it away from me. For once, dear God I just want to feel pure happiness without having to worry for it to be taken away from me.

Aku masih aja ngerasa diriku kecil dan rendah dari semua orang di sekitarku. Ngerasa kayak aku nggak bisa voice out my opinion because I don't have rights to do so.

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