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Ésterelle · 15 answers · 9mo

what do you think about horror/thriller movies?

I think i love it, tapi tergantung filmnya lagi si apakah menarik untuk dilihat atau ga

buat aku yg gasuka jumpscare dan gasuka adegan berdarah, dua genre ini paling dihindari.

i like them both but prefer triller, karena gua ga takut hantu jadinya some horror movies are boring.

seruu! tapi takut juga, aku sendiri kalo nonton masih suka nutup mata wkwk, tapi walaupun tau se-menakutkan itu tetap aja aku trobos tonton

Not really my cup of tea, but I enjoy watching any genre of movies including horror/thriller.

PALING NGGA BISA NONTON HORROR THRILLER GITU DEH AKU! kadang seru sih, tapi akunya parnoan t___t

Seru sih tapi gue takut, jadi kalo nonton at least harus ramean atau ada yang temenin..

My favorite. At least the ones with an actual plot, not just random jumpscares.

I love them! Most of them are very stimulating and I love the sensations they're giving. Especially when I watch them at the cinema!

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