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kEFFYYY ✩ · 14 answers · 7mo

hi malming ngapain

mam molen dan sempolan sambil scroll shopee hahahahahahahah reflek terkuras dompet

kEFFYYY ✩ · 15 answers · 8mo

hi ol apa galau anthem kalian 🤒

indo galau songs WBK aku biasa dengerin tertawan hati hahahahahahaha shit brb nangis

Lavanya · 8 answers · 8mo

If you could go back to past, what time would you go back to, and what would you change?

kEFFYYY ✩ · 13 answers · 8mo

since 2023 bentar lg WHATS YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIEEESSSS from 2023!!!!!!!

KKN HAHAHAHA never knew this would be my favorite among all memories walaupun capeknya minta ampun /__\

Sadam V. Alexandre. · 11 answers · 8mo

how to unlove someone?

i don’t think we can unlove someone, apalagi kalo harus dipaksa gitu. better wait until the love fades away 🥹😔

kEFFYYY ✩ · 9 answers · 8mo

how was december so faaarr

mmmmmm…..nothing much to say but i enjoyed this ride heheheh lengkap soalnya semua ada tapi untungnya lebih banyak happynya!! yeyay ^___^ 😎🥳🥰⭐️

Lavanya · 9 answers · 8mo

What's make someone attractive in your eyes?

the one who has bright personality kyk yaudah sangat effortless attractivenya 😗

kEFFYYY ✩ · 15 answers · 8mo

prefer manis atau asin atau asem atau apa

DEPENDS ON THE MOOD :D hahay kalo sekarang bgt aku pengen yang asin gurih soalnya aku laper blom mam

kEFFYYY ✩ · 10 answers · 8mo

BENTAR LG DESEMBEEER! whats yo wish for decembeeer? 🧐

SEMOGA aku bisa cepet kelar kkn dan semua luarannya semoga aku juga bisa cepet mam sushi lagi semoga aku sehat san happy semoga temen temenku juga begitu aamiin!!!

Daiciiii · 8mo

Hello mate! mind to follow me back? thank you <33

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