the f00fy one · 10 answers · 10mo

what museums have you been to?

not sure, tbh. i went to a few when i was younger but not in the past 10 or so years

not many, and i really want to go to more! the one art museum i remember going to the most was the hunter museum in chattanooga, tn ( ). same with the tennessee aquarium. i really miss those locations, but can't really head back to tennessee these days huh lmfao

Too many to count, but the Museum of Natural History and MoMA were a couple of them.

I've been to a lot, including most(if not all) of the Smithsonian museums in Washington DC

The National Art Museum of Catalonia, the Barcelona Design Museum, the Barcelona Archaeological Museum, the Science Museum, the Natural Science Museum, the Paper Museum, the former textile colonies, the Egyptian Museum, the Vatican Museum, the Greek Museum of Tarragona, the History Museum of Catalonia, the Leather Museum, the Forum... And the many others that I will be forgetting.

Oh! I've been to a few, notable ones (that I remember) being the Railway Museum ("Exporail", very close to me!), the Canada Science and Technology Museum (near Ottawa), and the Montreal Science Centre a few times (especially when I was a teenager).

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