
⭐️ Multishipper extraordinaire ⭐️ | ↑25 | I am stuck in hell and taking y’all along for the ride :)

rarepair hell
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Anonymous · 5mo

so if we're talking rarepairs...well, I don't know what's rare, just largely what's super big, but what about....kaeya and venti....

or if we want to be spicy, kaeya and childe...

Chaeya is SOOO good I love them so much. They have brat/brat energy and I live for them to out-flirt each other!!!

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Kaeya/Venti, but it would make sense given they both frequent Angel’s Share haha. I think they’d get along swimmingly, and Venti’s carefree attitude could probably relax Kaeya a little. I ship Diluc/Venti too!

Anonymous · 11mo

shy about responding publicly but saw your tweet about misskey and writing and stuff and if you're worried about the jp userbase culture there's also other instances that use misskey software and might be better for writing stuff, and misskey is fediverse so it can still follow/interact with stuff on misskey io etc

Anonymous · 11mo

do you plan on continuing your scaramona fic? it's amazing.

I would like to, but at the moment I’m prioritizing zine work! I’ve been meaning to clear my current WIPs and then try and dip my toes back into it, so it’s not impossible that I will!

Anonymous · 1y

i really love your chiscaramona fic!!! do you think you'll write more of them in the future?

Thank you! I would love to, honestly it’s rly a comfort ship for me! I just think their dynamics are tasty, and I love the idea that through a relationship together, they learn and grow as people, and can learn to overcome some of their flaws because they care so much about each other.

Anonymous · 2y

since scara doesn't know that childe knows about monas welkin pass etc, ive been laughing so hard at the idea that childe starts subtly teasing him and dropping hints and scara eventually picks up on it and is like "OH MY GOD HOW DID HE FIND OUT, HOW MUCH DOES HE KNOW?"

If I can continue it one day, I’ve definitely thought about this and I would love to get to work on this arc haha. Unfortunately I haven’t had much time to write in the last year or so, so I can’t make any promises on that front. Thanks for reading though, it really touches me that people are thinking about it ❤️❤️💕

Anonymous · 2y

hey! i hope u don't mind me asking but will u be continuing with 9.8? ^^ ik ur busy & don't want this to seem like i'm rushing u but i love the fic sm and just wanted to know if you were continuing it !! ♡♡

I’m replying very late but just letting everyone know, I want to continue it, I really want to, but honestly my life has changed so much in the last year or so that idk if I’ll ever have time to pick it back up. Sorry!!! I really liked working on it and the feedback has been phenomenal, but I want to spend quality time with my SO, started working full-time, and have a puppy, so I don’t have that much time left to play Genshin, nevermind fic writing hahah. Hopefully I can pick it back up one day, but I really have no idea.

Anonymous · 1y

hello, i just wanted to tell you that i recently just read your scrmn fic 9.8m/s and absolutely loved your writing style and pacing there! you really captured scaramouche and monas personalities perfectly and managed to translate it into the modern setting!!

Anonymous · 2y

sorry to scara but this update has put on to kazumona

Anonymous · 2y

hi I just wanted to say i found you’re lisa dottore fic and the way you wrote them is SOO SOO GOODDD. i felt that was pretty in character of them and i hope you write more in the future💘💘💘 love it so much

Anonymous · 2y

that cliffhanger..... you play with my emotions too much, i love your writing

Anonymous · 2y

This isn't really a question but I LOVE YOUR WORK SO MUCH I love the way you write and your writing style is so so good, it's so easy to get hooked into your story. And the way you write Scaramouche makes my heart ache so much it's good! YOU JUST HAVE IMMACULATE TASTE WITH THE SHIPS TOO i love all of it <33

Thank you so much anon, I’m so happy to hear that you like my works 🥺🥺🥺

Anonymous · 2y

question...... what does aether do in 9.8m/s? or can we not expect him to have a cameo? like, this isn't me saying "you better include him >:(" or anything i promise, im just wondering bc i love the idea of menace-to-mona-and-childe lumine and think enabler-of-lumine's-behavior aether would be funny to see

I don’t plan on including Aether in this AU, sorry! I have a pretty defined idea of where this story is going (my outline currently has all 19 chapters included in the chapter count). Including Aether and expanding on his relationship with Lumine would detract from the main focus of the story I want to tell. Sorry!

Anonymous · 2y

new follower here, i'm waiting patiently on your scaramona fic T^T hope u have a nice day aheadd

Thank you so much! The next chapter is going to come out soon hopefully, it’s already written but I need to edit it properly haha. Thank you for your interest!!! 🥺✨✨

Anonymous · 2y

OMG YOU'RE INTO THOMAYA TOO????? your taste in ships is just chef's kiss

Djjdkdndjdn listen ok I’m a simple one
I see soft I ship
(I also see enemies to lovers I ship but that’s,,, different)
This is how I end up with fucking footlong ship lists & it’s easier to say the things I DON’T ship than those I do. 😭

Anonymous · 2y

fluffy smut omg your brain!!

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