Arthur · 6 answers · 22d

So this (very) weird loud lady my mom met in a college prep course is trying to befriend her. The thing is, mom doesn't want to, but mom also wouldn't like to make her feel bad (she's a bit dramatic). Any advice on how to manage that situation?

Just be cordial when they're in the course but politely turn down any invitations to hang outside of that

I would be honest with her, but try not to do it in a "mean" way, which is the tricky part. Let her down gently. Maybe she could say something like "I appreciate that you want to be friends, but I'm very busy and don't have time to hang out," or something like that. It's possible that the "weird" lady is autistic or neurodivergent (ND). We tend to have trouble reading social cues, and that may be the case with this woman based on how you described her. /srs

Gotta draw a clear line that you're only classmates - hopefully they haven't traded numbers or anything like that, never agree to hang out socially, keep talk related only to the course and maybe a little small talk (keep details about her life out of it), if she has to be a little short with her, so be it

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