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Arthur · 10 answers · 6mo

What's your opinion on people that are on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum?

They're fine, whatevs, it's not like I can really talk - a friend called me demisexual the other day and after reading about it I can't say they are wrong

No opinion, I just wonder why they are that way. And what other things about them, deep things, are different that give rise to their aromanticism or asexuality.

I read the first part as “aromatic”. 😅 👃🏼
I don’t have an opinion. None of us got to pick our sexuality.., at least nobody asked me. I get the feeling that I’m somewhere in the gray part of that scale/spectrum.

they're cool, and i might be one.

only comment is that i think it's a bit strange that we need labels for having a slightly unusual relationship to romance and/or sex. i'm not sure how much identifying as ace changes about the average conversation over romantic and sexual desires and boundaries.

I only know a single girl who expresses herself as asexual. No other persons of the spectrum as far as I know in my vicinity. She has had a devastating relationship to another woman that broke up. My opinion on her is that she is a cute and good person but she was in a bad relationship and she thought she could fix the other woman. Which she could not. And she was in love. Obviously sex had not played a big role in their relationship. So I do not really know. I only know her own comment on her sexuality. She is one of the good ones.

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