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Arthur · 5 answers · 9d

Have you ever dealt with debt? Mom spent too much last month and now I need to burn a portion of my savings to cover her bills 🙄

Just a mortgage and student debt. Its painful, but I'm doing my best to pay it off quickly so as to not suffer from insane interest rises.

I have avoided debt like a nun avoids the devil. Though I took a few loans during my first job. I wanted to be independent even if it meant to have a more lean and basic lifestyle. Admittedly this was not that tough for me as I tend to live basic and reduced and do not need much items around me. However I do care for my pension and a small flat and the requirements of every day life plus job. So even basic living is costly. But debt not only comes with an interest rate in the form of money but also in the form of pressure, uncertainty, doubt, fear and erosion of joy. I am not willing to pay that on top.

Nope, I've never been in debt and I've never owned any money , I don't have a credit card and I don't even have a over draft. I've never been in debt.

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