ayena · 16 answers · 3mo

do you guys prefer to love, or to be loved? and why?

to be loved hehehe because aku udah sering to love dan rasanya sedih banget ga ada yang apresiasi ga ada yang sayangin

prefer to be loved, because i can love them too with my wholehearted without worrying anything.

I don't think it's an "either or" situation. Both are equally important. As humans, we need to experience both being loved and loving others. When we receive love, we feel valued and cared for, which can boost our self-esteem and overall happiness. When we give love, we feel fulfilled and connected to those we care for.

to be loved, idk why but I'm just happy when I'm loved by others. Sometimes, we do need to be loved first.

Well, as for me, I'd say I prefer to love. I'm just liking the feeling of falling in love. It's nice to be loved yet somehow if you don't love the person you won't feel the love from them.

When someone loves you, they see the good in you and it makes you want to be the best version of yourself. On the other hand, loving someone deeply and genuinely can be a beautiful experience. So... I think both are equally important. We can't love someone if we don't know how to love, and we can't love someone if we don't receive love.

prefer to love sih karena kalau to be loved itu sulit buat takar kalau dicintai apalagi kalau tiba-tiba dia berubah dari to be loved ke cinta sendiri jadi mending to love

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