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? · 32 answers · 2y

what song did you unintentionally find that later became your * hyperbole * life-changer?

Hey Jude by The Beatles , a comforting and uplifting song that resonates with people of all ages.

it's closer by the chainsmokers, my life is never be the same ever since i heard that song hahahah hyperbole

Welcome to The Family by Avenged Sevenfold. That song really makes me think that life is normally going like that, like "so reckless, tragedy endless" and that's totally okay.

Happy- Jacob The Boyz. Ini lagunya cuma ada di soundcloud sih cuma ini lagu musti bgt didengerin.

It’s Dependent by Keenan Te! I found that song pas lagi iseng nyelam di Spotify and then karena penasaran jadinya aku coba dengerin, lama-lama malah nyantol dan jadi suka banget.

I must say, it is Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls. I gave it to my ex-partner, and started to listen to it multiple times after they said that they loved the song very much. It sort of became our relationship anthem back then, the first song to pop in our minds when people asked about what song that kept both of us alive, and the song will remain memorable even if they are dead to me already.

I stumbled upon The Headmaster Ritual by The Smiths while scrolling through my Spotify playlist. At first, I thought it was just another cheesy 80s song, but after listening to it a few times, it became my ultimate hype song. The lyrics are so uplifting and motivational, and the melody is catchy as hell. Whenever I need a boost of confidence, I blast this song and sing along at the top of my lungs. It may seem like hyperbole, but this song has truly changed my life for the better.

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